Computer Science 1

Hello- My name is Isaac Kim and this is my Gita 1 / computer science 1 webpage.
I am learning C# this year. This page demos all of my
C# projects. You can download them and see them run.



This program shows how to write "Goodbye" in 4 other languages. Its purpose was to familiarize ourselves with using buttons.

About Project


This program displays an informative page for IK Airline. It utilizes buttons and text labels to output information.

Mailing Label


This program outputs mailing labels using the information that is filled in the text boxes. Concatenation is used to display the output.



This program displays a Mad Libs game. This program utilizes text boxes and concatenation to display the final outcome.

Car Rental 1


This program creates a Car Rental system that allows the user to input various kinds information.



This program calculates one's BMI using the height and weight. It also includes BMI chart for reference.

Car Rental Upgrade


This program is an upgraded version of the Car Rental program. It now features previews of the car and options for leather and Bose speaker.

Test Score Program


This program outputs the letter grade, higher test result, and the average of the inputted test scores.

Dice Game


This program simulates 2 dice being rolled and also calculates the chances for each roll.

Craps Dice Game


This program simulates a Craps Dice Game. It outputs messages whenever the user wins or loses.

Triangle Checker


This program displays the type of triangle when 3 sides of a triangle is inputted. It also displays percentages of each triangle type seen.

Academic Competition Slot Machine


This program simulates a slot machine where the user is able to bet a certain amount of money and possibly hit a jackpot.

Kim's Taco Truck


This program simulates a taco truck that allows the user to customize their own tacos. The taco truck has different options for taco shell, meat, and add-ons.

Boxer's StairCase


This program simulates a boxer who goes up and down the stairs. When it reaches either ends of the staircase, the boxer is met with a surprise.

2D Sub Program


This program displays a user-controlled submarine interacting with a randomly-moving shark.



This Tic-Tac-Toe program utilizes if/if else statements to determine winning cases.

Basic AI


This program consists of one user-controlled character and one AI character. The AI Character will follow the user and will deal damage to the user upon contact.

Star Field


This program simulates a flight through space, and stars increase in size as you go towards them.

AI Upgrade


This program consists of one user-controlled character and ten AI characters. The program utilizes arrays to manage all ten AI characters to attack the user.

Number Array


This program generates 100 numbers and displays the highest/lowest value, average of all of the values, and number of even/odd values.

The Blob


You are the BLOB(blue character). The main objective of this game is to eat all of the “food” items on the screen throughout five levels. There is an evil villain named Gallaxhar(Light-blue character with gloves), it will chase you and once it is on the BLOB, you will lose health. AVOID GALLAXHAR AT ALL COST.